ID: 293

You should find a few LATEX templates appropriate for the task at hand and list the links to them. Homework Assignment

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you with your homework assignment . What subject or topic are you working on , and what specific questions or challenges do you have ? Please provide more details so I can better assist you . \n \n Here are a few L AT EX templates that may be helpful for your homework assignment : \n \n 1 . L AT EX template for a report : <</a> https :// www . over leaf . com / templates / article - report - template \n 2 . L AT EX template for a research paper : <</a> https :// www . over leaf . com / templates / article / re search - paper - template \n 3 . L AT EX template for a presentation : <</a> https :// www . over leaf . com / templates / be amer / default \n \n Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there ' s anything else I can do to help you with your homework assignment . </s>

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