ID: 30

What kind of foods do they eat in Thailand

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thailand is known for its diverse and flavor ful cu isine , which includes a variety of me ats , sea food , vegetables , and sp ices . Some popular Th ai dishes include : \n \n 1 . Pad Th ai : A stir - fried no od le dish made with rice no od les , to fu , eggs , and a tang y sauce made from t amar ind , fish sauce , and sugar . \n 2 . Tom Y um Sou p : A sp icy and sour soup made with le mong rass , k aff ir l ime leaves , and ch ili pe pp ers , and often featuring sh rim p , mush rooms , and tom atoes . \n 3 . Green Cur ry : A cream y and sp icy cur ry made with coc on ut milk , green ch il ies , and a variety of frag rant sp ices , and often featuring chicken , fish , or sh rim p . \n 4 . Pad See E w : A stir - fried no od le dish made with rice no od les , vegetables , and a sav ory sauce made from so y sauce , o yster sauce , and ch ili paste . \n 5 . Som T um : A sp icy and sour salad made with green pap aya , tom atoes , ch ili pe pp ers , and a tang y sauce made from t amar ind , fish sauce , and sugar . \n \n Th ai cu isine also features a variety of fresh fruits , such as m ango , pap aya , pine pine apple , as well as dess erts like stick y rice and m ango stick y rice . </s>

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