ID: 305

Write a step-by-step guide for resolving GitHub merge conflicts.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Step 1 : Under stand the Conf lict \n The first step in res olving a Git Hub merge conflict is to understand the conflict . Git Hub will highlight the conflic ting files and lines of code in red . This will help you identify which files and lines of code are causing the conflict . \n \n Step 2 : Open the Conf lic ting Files \n Once you have identified the conflic ting files and lines of code , open them in your preferred text editor . Git Hub will have added a " <<<< << <</a> HE AD " and " branch _ name " marker to the conflic ting lines of code . These mark ers indicate the changes made in the current branch ( HEAD ) and the changes made in the branch you are mer ging ( branch _ name ). \n \n Step 3 : Res olve the Conf lict \n Res olving the conflict involves removing the mark ers and deciding which changes to keep . You can do this by manually editing the code , removing the mark ers , and comm itting the changes . It is important to ensure that the changes you make are consistent with the rest of the code base and do not introduce any new bugs or errors . \n \n Step 4 : Commit the Changes \n Once you have resolved the conflict , commit the changes . Make sure to include a clear and des cript ive commit message that explains the changes you made and why you made them . This will help other developers understand the changes and ensure that the code base remains consistent . \n \n Step 5 : P ush the Changes \n Fin ally , push the changes to the remote repository . This will update the code base on the remote server and make the changes available to other developers . It is important to test the code thoroughly after pushing the changes to ensure that everything is working as expected . \n \n In summary , res olving Git Hub merge conflicts involves understanding the conflict , opening the conflic ting files , res olving the conflict , comm itting the changes , and pushing the changes to the remote repository . By following these steps , you can ensure that your code base remains consistent and free of conflicts . </s>

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