ID: 318

Make a list of the materials that will be required to build the given tool. Coffee Darkness Meter

Aligned LLM's Response:

To build a coffee darkness meter , you will need the following materials : \n \n 1 . Light sensor : A light sensor is a device that measures the amount of light in an environment . It is essential for the coffee darkness meter as it will detect the amount of light that passes through the coffee beans . \n 2 . Ar du ino board : An Ar du ino board is a micro controller that can be program med to control various electronic devices . It will be used to control the light sensor and display the results . \n 3 . Res ist ors : Res ist ors are used to limit the current flowing through the circuit . They are necessary to protect the light sensor and Ar du ino board from damage . \n 4 . B read board : A bread board is a platform that allows you to prototype electronic circ uits . It will be used to connect the light sensor , Ar du ino board , and other components . \n 5 . J umper w ires : J umper w ires are used to connect the components on the bread board . They are available in different colors to different iate between positive and negative connections . \n 6 . L CD display : An L CD display is a device that displays text and numbers . It will be used to display the results of the coffee darkness meter . \n 7 . 9 V battery : A 9 V battery is used to power the Ar du ino board . \n 8 . En closure : An en closure is used to protect the electronic components from damage and to make the coffee darkness meter more portable . </s>

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