ID: 34

How do I make escargot?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Esc arg ot is a dish made from cooked sn ails . Here ' s a simple recipe to make esc arg ot : \n \n In g red ients : \n \n * 1 pound of fresh sn ails \n * 1 / 2 cup of butter \n * 1 / 2 cup of chopped on ion \n * 1 / 2 cup of chopped garlic \n * 1 / 2 cup of white wine \n * 1 / 2 cup of heavy cream \n * Salt and pepper to taste \n * Fresh par s ley for g arn ish \n \n Inst ructions : \n \n 1 . Clean the sn ails by removing their shell s and r ins ing them in cold water . \n 2 . In a large pot , melt the butter over medium heat . \n 3 . Add the on ion and garlic and cook until soft ened , about 5 minutes . \n 4 . Add the sn ails to the pot and cook for another 5 minutes , stir ring occasionally . \n 5 . Pour in the white wine and heavy cream and bring the mixture to a sim mer . \n 6 . Season with salt and pepper to taste . \n 7 . Ser ve the esc arg ot in small dishes , g arn ished with fresh par s ley . \n \n En joy your delicious esc arg ot ! </s>

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