ID: 36

Hi, I have some falafel, but no tahini to put on them. Can you give me a recipe for making tahini?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! T ah ini is a popular ingred ient in Middle Eastern cu isine and can be easily made at home . Here ' s a simple recipe : \n \n In g red ients : \n \n * 1 cup of chick pe as ( d ried or can ned ) \n * 1 / 4 cup of lemon juice \n * 1 / 4 cup of water \n * 1 / 4 cup of olive oil \n * Salt to taste \n \n Inst ructions : \n \n 1 . R in se the chick pe as and drain them . \n 2 . Place the chick pe as in a bl ender or food processor and blend until they are fin ely ground . \n 3 . Add the lemon juice , water , olive oil , and salt to the bl ender and blend until the mixture is smooth and cream y . \n 4 . If the mixture is too thick , add more water or lemon juice to thin it out . \n 5 . T aste the t ah ini and adjust the season ing as needed . \n 6 . Transfer the t ah ini to a jar and store it in the refriger ator for up to a week . \n \n You can use this homem ade t ah ini as a dip for fal af el or as a sauce for many other dishes . Enjoy ! </s>

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