ID: 373

Make a list of common phrases for the given section of the paper. Introduction

Aligned LLM's Response:

1 . " W elcome to our website / blog / platform ." \n 2 . " We are excited to introduce our new product / service ." \n 3 . " Our mission is to provide [ insert specific goal or purpose ] ." \n 4 . " We believe in [ insert core values or beliefs ] ." \n 5 . " We are committed to [ insert specific commitment or promise ] ." \n 6 . " We are proud to [ insert specific achievement or mil estone ] ." \n 7 . " We are grateful for [ insert specific audience or community ] ." \n 8 . " We are confident that [ insert specific product / service / go al ] will make a positive impact ." \n 9 . " We are thr illed to [ insert specific action or announcement ] ." \n 1 0 . " We are hon ored to [ insert specific recognition or award ] ." </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
