ID: 39

How can I use my phone less?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are several ways you can use your phone less : \n \n 1 . Set specific times during the day to check your phone , and stick to those times . For example , you could check your phone every hour or every two hours . \n 2 . Turn off not ifications for non - urg ent messages or apps . This will help you avoid dist ra ctions and reduce the number of times you check your phone . \n 3 . Use a digital det ox app or website to help you track your phone usage and set goals for reducing your screen time . \n 4 . Find alternative activities to do when you feel the urge to check your phone , such as reading a book , going for a walk , or spending time with friends and family . \n 5 . Consider setting boundaries with others , such as not responding to messages or emails immediately , or not checking your phone during certain times of the day . \n \n Rem ember , it ' s important to find a balance between using technology and dis connect ing from it . It ' s okay to take breaks and prior itize other activities in your life . </s>

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