ID: 4

How do I wrap a present neatly?

Aligned LLM's Response:

To wrap a present neat ly , you can follow these steps : \n \n 1 . Choose wr apping paper that complement s the gift and the recipient ' s taste . \n 2 . Lay the wr apping paper flat on a clean surface , with the colored side facing down . \n 3 . Place the gift in the center of the wr apping paper , making about an inch of space around the edges . \n 4 . F old the top corners of the wr apping paper towards the center , creating a tri angular fl ap . \n 5 . F old the sides in ward , t uck ing the edges under the tri angular fl aps . \n 6 . F old the bottom corners up , creating another set of tri angular fl aps . \n 7 . F old the sides in ward again , t uck ing the edges under the tri angular fl aps . \n 8 . F old the top corners down , creating a final set of tri angular fl aps . \n 9 . Sm ooth out any wr ink les or b umps in the wr apping paper . \n 1 0 . Add any decor ative elements , such as rib b ons or b ows , to enhance the presentation . \n \n Rem ember to be patient and take your time , as wr apping a present neat ly takes practice and attention to detail . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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