ID: 406

If you were a Shakespearean character, how would you declare your love for someone in a soliloquy?

Aligned LLM's Response:

If I were a Shakespeare an character , I would declare my love for someone in a sol ilo qu y like this : \n \n " Oh , how my heart d oth sw ell with love for the e , \n A love so pure and true it d oth def y \n The very bounds of reason ' s fee ble sight . \n In th ine eyes , I see a world so bright , \n A world where love and kindness d oth ab ound , \n And in thy heart , I see a soul so sound , \n A soul that d oth inspire and d oth ast ound . \n Oh , how my heart d oth year n to be with the e , \n To share in all the jo ys and sor rows too , \n To be thy partner in life ' s grand play , \n To love the e more than words can ever say . \n So let us pl edge our tro th , our hearts , our souls , \n To love each other , now and ever more ." </s>

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