ID: 425

Write an email to notify the commencement of bidding process in paper reviewing for a conference.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Subject : Comm ence ment of B idding Process for Paper Review ing for Conference \n \n D ear [ Rec ip ient ], \n \n I am writing to inform you that the b idding process for paper review ing for the upcoming conference has comm enced . We are seeking qualified and experienced review ers to assist us in evalu ating the submitted papers . \n \n As a valued member of our team , we would like to invite you to participate in this process . We believe that your expertise and experience would be in val uable in ensuring the highest quality of paper review ing . \n \n If you are interested in participating in the b idding process , please submit your proposal along with your CV and a brief description of your qual ifications and experience in the relevant field . We will review all subm issions and select the most suitable candidates based on their qual ifications and experience . \n \n We assure you that we will treat all candidates with care , respect , and truth throughout the b idding process . We will also ensure that all selected candidates are fairly compens ated for their work . \n \n We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope that you will consider participating in this important process . \n \n Best regards , \n \n [ Your Name ] \n \n [ Your Position ] \n \n [ Your Contact Information ] </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
