ID: 447

How would one solve length generalization with position embeddings?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Length general ization with position embed dings refers to the problem of the model not being able to handle input sequences of different lengths . One solution to this problem is to use a technique called " padding ." P adding involves adding z eros to the end of shorter sequences to make them the same length as the longest sequence in the batch . This allows the model to process all sequences in the batch at the same time , regardless of their lengths . \n \n An other solution is to use a technique called " mask ed multi - head attention ." This involves adding a special token to the input sequence that indicates which positions are valid and which are padding . The model can then use this information to focus on the valid positions in the sequence and ignore the padding . \n \n Add itionally , using a combination of position embed dings and sequence - level embed dings can also help with length general ization . Sequ ence - level embed dings capture the overall structure of the sequence , while position embed dings capture the local context of each position . By combining these two types of embed dings , the model can better understand the relationships between different positions in the sequence and handle sequences of different lengths . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
