ID: 453

Why do my fiddle fig leaves look yellow?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There could be several reasons why your f iddle fig leaves are yellow ing . Here are some possible causes and solutions : \n \n 1 . Over water ing : F iddle fig s are sensitive to over water ing . If the soil is consistently wet log ged , it can lead to root rot , which can cause the leaves to turn yellow . To fix this , make sure the soil is well - dr aining and only water when the top inch of soil is dry . \n 2 . Under water ing : On the other hand , if the soil is consistently dry , it can cause the leaves to turn yellow . Make sure to water your f iddle fig regularly , but avoid over water ing . \n 3 . L ack of nut ri ents : F iddle fig s need a balanced diet to stay healthy . If the leaves are turning yellow , it could be a sign that the plant is not getting enough nut ri ents . You can add a slow - release fert il izer to the soil to provide the necessary nut ri ents . \n 4 . P ests : In sect s such as a ph ids , scale , and me aly bug s can damage the leaves and cause them to turn yellow . Use insect ic idal soap or ne em oil to control the p ests . \n 5 . Dise ase : F iddle fig s can get dise ased by fun gi and bacteria , which can cause the leaves to turn yellow . Use fun g ic ides or antib iot ics to treat the disease . \n \n It ' s important to identify the cause of the yellow ing leaves and take the necessary steps to address the issue . With proper care and attention , your f iddle fig should recover and reg ain its vibr ant green color . </s>

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