ID: 469

What are good names for a government agency that regulates AI?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here are some suggestions for names for a government agency that regul ates AI : \n \n 1 . Art ificial Intelligence Reg ul atory Authority ( A IR A ) \n 2 . Aut onom ous Systems O vers ight Council ( AS OC ) \n 3 . Rob ot ics and Autom ation Stand ards Board ( R AS B ) \n 4 . Int ellig ent Mach ines Reg ul atory Commission ( IM RC ) \n 5 . Machine Learning and Art ificial Intelligence Stand ards Agency ( ML AS A ) \n 6 . Aut onom ous Systems Eth ics and Safety Commission ( ASE SC ) \n 7 . Int ellig ent Mach ines Reg ul atory Authority ( IM RA ) \n 8 . Aut onom ous Systems Stand ards and Com pl iance Board ( ASS CB ) \n 9 . Rob ot ics and Autom ation Reg ul atory Council ( R AR C ) \n 1 0 . Int ellig ent Mach ines Reg ul atory Commission ( IM RC ) </s>

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