ID: 474

How to create a footnote for the authors list in latex

Aligned LLM's Response:

To create a foot note for the authors list in La Te X , you can use the ` footnote ` command . Here ' s an example : \n `` ` \n \ document class { article } \n \n \ begin { document } \n \n \ section *{ Auth ors } \n \n \ begin { itemize } \n \ item John Smith \ footnote { Aff iliation : University of X Y Z } \n \ item Jane Do e \ footnote { Aff iliation : University of ABC } \n \ item Bob Johnson \ footnote { Aff iliation : University of DEF } \n \ end { itemize } \n \n \ end { document } \n `` ` \n In this example , the ` footnote ` command is used to add a foot note to each author ' s name . The foot note text is en closed in cur ly br aces ` {} `. You can replace " Aff iliation : University of X Y Z " with the actual affili ation of the author . \n \n When you compile the La Te X document , the foot notes will be displayed as supers cript numbers after each author ' s name . You can click on the supers cript number to jump to the corresponding foot note text at the bottom of the page . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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