ID: 477

How do I make poached eggs at home?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Po aching eggs is a simple and healthy way to cook eggs . Here ' s a simple recipe to make po ached eggs at home : \n \n In g red ients : \n - E gg s ( 2 - 3 per person ) \n - Water \n - V ine gar ( optional ) \n - Salt and pepper ( optional ) \n \n Inst ructions : \n 1 . Fill a medium - sized sauce pan with water and bring it to a sim mer over medium heat . \n 2 . Cr ack the eggs into a small bowl or r ame kin . \n 3 . G ently pour the eggs into the sim mer ing water . \n 4 . Cook for 3 - 4 minutes , depending on how run ny you like the y olk . \n 5 . Remove the eggs with a sl otted spoon and place them on a plate . \n 6 . If desired , spr inkle with salt and pepper , and dri zz le with vine gar . \n \n En joy your delicious po ached eggs ! </s>

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