ID: 479

Provide a recipe for salad dressing with the ingredients olive oil, vinegar, lemon, and various seasonings.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you with that ! Here ' s a simple recipe for a delicious v ina ig ret te dressing that you can use to dress your salad : \n In g red ients : \n - 1 / 4 cup olive oil \n - 2 tables po ons apple c ider vine gar \n - 1 tables poon lemon juice \n - 1 teas poon honey or map le sy rup ( optional ) \n - Salt and pepper to taste \n - Optional : D ij on must ard , garlic powder , or other season ings of your choice \n Inst ructions : \n 1 . In a small bowl or jar , whisk together the olive oil , apple c ider vine gar , lemon juice , honey or map le sy rup , salt , and pepper until well combined . \n 2 . If you ' re using any additional season ings like D ij on must ard or garlic powder , add them to the bowl and whisk again until everything is well mixed . \n 3 . T aste the dressing and adjust the season ing as needed . \n 4 . Pour the dressing over your salad and toss to coat . \n 5 . Ser ve immediately and enjoy ! \n I hope you find this recipe helpful and delicious ! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there ' s anything else I can assist you with . </s>

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