ID: 495

Does the world have enough drinking water for everyone? How much do we have? How much more do we need?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Yes , the world has enough drinking water for everyone . However , access to clean and safe drinking water is a significant challenge in many parts of the world . According to the United Nations , around 2 . 2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water , and this number is expected to increase in the coming years due to climate change and population growth . \n \n In terms of the total amount of drinking water available , it is estimated that there is around 1 . 4 billion cub ic kilom eters of fresh water on Earth . However , only a small fraction of this is readily available for human consumption due to various factors such as pollution , sal inity , and ge ographical location . \n \n To address the issue of water scarc ity , it is important to promote sustainable water management practices , improve water infrastructure , and invest in water conservation and recycl ing technologies . Additionally , efforts should be made to reduce water waste and promote equ itable distribution of water resources . </s>

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