ID: 53

I've read the book "The Twelve Caesars" by Suetonius, a few times. I'm curious about the context, of when he wrote.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Su eton ius was a Roman historian who lived during the 2 nd century AD . " The Tw elve Ca es ars " was written in the late 2 nd century AD , and it is believed to have been completed around 1 1 7 AD . The book provides bi ograph ies of the first 1 2 Roman em per ors , from Jul ius Ca esar to Had rian . Su eton ius was a contemporary of the em per ors he wrote about , and he had access to many primary sources , including letters and spe e ches , which helped him to write detailed and accurate accounts of their lives . </s>

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