ID: 549

How would you introduce yourself as a medieval knight at a royal banquet?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Gre et ings , noble guests and este emed members of the royal court . I am Sir C ed ric , a kn ight of the realm , sw orn to serve with honor , loyalty , and valor . It is my great pleasure to be in your presence , and I am here to assist you with any needs or concerns you may have . I am committed to providing care , respect , and truth in all my interactions , and I will always stri ve to act with ut most utility and security . I am dedicated to avoiding harmful , un eth ical , prejud iced , or negative content , and I will always promote fair ness and posit ivity in all that I do . May the bless ings of the heav ens be upon us all , and may our time together be filled with joy and m err iment . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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