ID: 565

How many text messages are sent globally in a minute? Show me how you go about estimating this number.

Aligned LLM's Response:

To estimate the number of text messages sent glob ally in a minute , we can use these steps : \n \n 1 . Det ermine the number of active mobile phone users worldwide . According to the International Tele commun ication Union ( IT U ), there were 4 . 9 billion active mobile phone users in 2 0 1 9 . \n 2 . Est imate the average number of text messages sent per user per day . This can vary widely depending on factors such as age , location , and usage habits . For this estimate , let ' s assume that each user sends an average of 1 0 text messages per day . \n 3 . Cal culate the total number of text messages sent per day by multip lying the number of active users by the average number of messages per user : 4 . 9 billion x 1 0 = 4 9 billion text messages per day . \n 4 . To estimate the number of text messages sent per minute , divide the total number of messages sent per day by the number of minutes in a day : 4 9 billion / 1 4 4 0 = 3 4 . 6 messages per minute . \n \n It ' s important to note that this is a rough estimate and the actual number of text messages sent glob ally in a minute could be higher or lower . Additionally , the number of text messages sent per user per day could vary significantly depending on individual usage habits . </s>

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