ID: 57

How do I make apple juice?

Aligned LLM's Response:

To make apple juice , you will need the following ingredients : \n - 6 - 8 ap ples , washed and c ored \n - 1 / 2 cup of water \n - 1 tables poon of honey ( optional ) \n - A bl ender or a ju icer \n \n Here are the steps to make apple juice : \n \n 1 . W ash and core the ap ples . \n 2 . Cut the ap ples into small pieces . \n 3 . Add the ap ples , water , and honey ( if using ) to the bl ender or ju icer . \n 4 . Bl end or juice the mixture until it is smooth . \n 5 . Str ain the juice to remove any pul p or seeds . \n 6 . Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy ! \n \n Note : If you prefer a swe eter juice , you can add more honey . If you prefer a less sweet juice , you can use less honey or add more water . You can also add other fruits , such as lemon or l ime , to add a different flavor to the juice . </s>

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