ID: 59

How to make frosting with crisco

Aligned LLM's Response:

To make fro st ing with Cris co , you will need the following ingredients : \n \n * 1 / 2 cup Cris co \n * 1 / 2 cup uns alt ed butter , soft ened \n * 4 cups powder ed sugar \n * 1 teas poon van illa extract \n * 1 / 4 cup milk \n \n Inst ructions : \n \n 1 . In a large mixing bowl , beat the Cris co and butter together using an electric mix er until smooth and cream y . \n 2 . Grad ually add the powder ed sugar , beating continuously until the mixture is smooth and well combined . \n 3 . Add the van illa extract and milk to the mixture and beat until the fro st ing is smooth and cream y . \n 4 . If the fro st ing is too thick , add more milk , one tables poon at a time , until it reaches the desired consistency . \n 5 . If the fro st ing is too thin , add more powder ed sugar , one tables poon at a time , until it reaches the desired consistency . \n 6 . Once the fro st ing is ready , use it to fro st your cake or other dess ert . \n \n En joy your delicious fro st ing made with Cris co ! </s>

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