ID: 616

Imagine that instead of presidential debates, we had rap battles. Write a script for how one of the Hillary vs Trump debates in 2016 would have looked like.

Aligned LLM's Response:

[ The stage is set with two micro phones and a DJ booth . The DJ plays a beat as the audience che ers and cl aps . The DJ then introdu ces the two deb aters , Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump .] \n \n D J : " L ad ies and gentle men , it ' s time for the ultimate rap battle of the century ! On the left side , we have the one and only , Hillary Clinton ! And on the right , we have the current President of the United States , Donald Trump !" \n \n [ The audience che ers and cl aps as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump walk onto the stage . They each take their place behind the micro phones .] \n \n D J : " Al right , let ' s get started ! First up , we have Hillary Clinton . She ' s got a few things to say !" \n \n [ H ill ary Clinton begins r apping .] \n \n H ill ary Clinton : " I ' m the real deal , not just a pretty face . I ' ve got the experience and the knowledge to lead this nation with grace . I ' ve fought for healthcare , for women ' s rights , and for equality for all . I ' m not afraid to stand up to the big corporations and the wealthy elite . I ' m the candidate who will put the needs of the people first . I ' m the one who will make America great again !" \n \n [ The audience che ers and cl aps as Hillary Clinton fin ishes her rap .] \n \n D J : " Al right , that was a great start , Hillary ! But now it ' s time for Donald Trump to take the mic . He ' s got a few things to say !" \n \n [ Donald Trump begins r apping .] \n \n Donald Trump : " I ' m the real deal , not just a pretty face . I ' ve built businesses , I ' ve created jobs , and I ' ve made America great again . I ' ve stood up to China , to Mexico , and to North Korea . I ' ve put America first , and I ' ve made this country stronger than ever before . I ' m the candidate who will keep America safe and secure . I ' m the one who will make America great again !" \n \n [ The audience che ers and cl aps as Donald Trump fin ishes his rap .] \n \n D J : " Al right , that was a great performance by both of you . But now it ' s time to see who will come out on top . The judges will be scoring your r aps on a scale of 1 to 1 0 , based on creativity , content , and delivery . Are you ready to hear the scores ?" \n \n [ The audience che ers and cl aps as the judges take their places behind a table .] \n \n D J : " Al right , here are the scores . First up , we have Hillary Clinton . Her score is 9 out of 1 0 ." \n \n [ The audience che ers and cl aps as Hillary Clinton smiles and takes a bow .] \n \n D J : " And now , we have Donald Trump . His score is 8 out of 1 0 ." \n \n [ The audience che ers and cl aps as Donald Trump smiles and takes a bow .] \n \n D J : " Al right , that ' s it for tonight ' s rap battle . Thank you all for coming , and we ' ll see you next time !" \n \n [ The audience che ers and cl aps as the DJ plays a final beat and the lights go down .] </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
