ID: 631

I have a Python script called Write a bash command that runs it on all the files that end with ".checkpoint" in all the subdirectories, subsubdirectories, etc. of the checkpoints/ directory.

Aligned LLM's Response:

You can use the following b ash command to run the ` pre process . py ` script on all files that end with ". check point " in all sub direct ories , sub sub direct ories , etc . of the ` check points / ` directory : \n \n `` ` b ash \n find check points / - type f \( - name " *. check point " - o - name " *. check point *" \ ) - exec python pre process . py {} \; \n `` ` \n \n This command uses the ` find ` command to search for all files in the ` check points / ` directory and its sub direct ories that end with ". check point " or ". check point * ". The ` - type f ` option spec ifies that we only want to find files , not direct ories . The ` - exec python pre process . py {} \; ` option runs the ` pre process . py ` script on each file found by the ` find ` command . </s>

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