ID: 64

I need to get my nephew a birthday gift. I'm thinking of giving him a game for his Nintendo Switch. Can you give me a few options that came out recently?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! Here are a few recently released games for the Nintendo Switch that might be great options for your nep hew : \n \n 1 . " M ario K art 8 Del ux e ": This is a classic racing game that has been updated with new characters , tracks , and game modes . It ' s a great choice for players of all ages . \n 2 . " The Legend of Zel da : Bre ath of the Wild ": This is an open - world adventure game set in the world of Hy rule . It ' s a great choice for players who enjoy exploring and solving puzz les . \n 3 . " S pl ato on 2 ": This is a multi player game where players control squ id - like creatures and battle each other in various aren as . It ' s a great choice for players who enjoy team work and strategy . \n 4 . " Over cook ed ! All You Can E at ": This is a cooking game where players work together to prepare meals in a variety of kitchen s . It ' s a great choice for players who enjoy working together and cooking . \n 5 . " C ivil ization VI ": This is a strategy game where players build civil izations and compete against each other for resources and domin ance . It ' s a great choice for players who enjoy history and strategy . \n \n I hope these suggestions help ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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