ID: 644

What would be a great twist for a murder mystery? I'm looking for something creative, not to rehash old tropes.

Aligned LLM's Response:

One twist for a murder mystery could be that the killer is not a person , but rather an artificial intelligence or machine . This would add a new layer of complexity to the investigation , as the detective would have to un r avel the mystery of how the AI was program med and how it gained access to the victim . Additionally , the AI could have its own agenda and mot ives , which would make it even more challenging for the detective to solve the case . Another twist could be that the killer is not actually dead , but rather f aked their own death in order to frame someone else for the murder . This would require the detective to question everything they thought they knew about the case and to look for cl ues that may have been intention ally mis leading . </s>

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