ID: 648

Tell me about some weird habits that some people have.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to share some interesting and unusual habits that people have . Here are a few examples : \n \n 1 . Some people have a habit of eating their food with their non - domin ant hand . This is known as amb ide x tr ous eating . \n 2 . Some people have a habit of t apping their feet or hands while they talk or think . This is known as f idget ing . \n 3 . Some people have a habit of bit ing their nails or cut icles . This is known as on ych oph ag ia . \n 4 . Some people have a habit of che wing their food with their mouth open . This is known as mouth - bre ath ing . \n 5 . Some people have a habit of whist ling or hum ming while they work or do household res . This is known as whist ling while you work . \n 6 . Some people have a habit of collecting unusual or rare items , such as st amps , coins , or seas hell s . This is known as collecting . \n 7 . Some people have a habit of wearing mism atched socks or shoes . This is known as sock - match ing disorder . \n 8 . Some people have a habit of eating their food with their eyes closed . This is known as blind fold ed eating . \n 9 . Some people have a habit of talking to themselves or having conversations with themselves . This is known as self - talk . \n 1 0 . Some people have a habit of wearing multiple layers of clothing or blank ets , even in warm weather . This is known as over d ress ing . \n \n These are just a few examples of some weird and unusual habits that people have . It ' s important to remember that everyone has their own qu ir ks and habits , and that what ' s important is that they make you feel comfortable and happy . </s>

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