ID: 67

How do I know if my house has a water leak?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are several signs that may indicate a water leak in your house . These include : \n \n 1 . D amp ness or wet ness on walls , floors , or ce il ings \n 2 . Water st ains or spots on furniture or belong ings \n 3 . A must y or mold y smell \n 4 . A high water bill \n 5 . A dri pping or le aking f auc et or toilet \n 6 . A g ur gling or bub bling sound coming from p ipes or dr ains \n \n If you notice any of these signs , it ' s important to investigate further and take action to fix the leak as soon as possible . This can help prevent further damage to your home and save you money on your water bill . </s>

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