ID: 674

How do remote tribes that have no new genetic material for thousands of years not die out because of inbreeding?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Remote tribes that have no new genetic material for thousands of years do not die out because of in bre eding due to a phenomenon known as genetic drift . Gen etic drift is a random fluct uation in the frequency of alle les ( d ifferent versions of a gene ) within a population . In small populations , genetic drift can cause certain alle les to become more or less common , even if they do not confer any particular advantage or disadv antage . This can lead to a reduction in genetic diversity , but it is not necessarily harmful to the survival of the population as a whole . In fact , genetic drift can sometimes lead to the fix ation of advantage ous alle les , which can actually increase the fitness of the population over time . However , it is important to note that genetic drift can also lead to the fix ation of harmful alle les , which can have negative consequences for the population in the long run . </s>

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