ID: 690

If civilization collapsed right now, how long would there still be evidence that we were here? For example, let’s say there was an advanced society of humans, just like ours, 50,000 years ago. Would there be any evidence left of their existence?

Aligned LLM's Response:

It is difficult to predict exactly how long evidence of an advanced society would last , as it would depend on various factors such as the nature of the society , the materials they used , and the environmental conditions in which they lived . However , it is possible that some evidence could still be found after thousands or even millions of years . For example , if the society had built large structures or mon uments , these could potentially still be standing today , even if they had been damaged or partially destroyed over time . Similarly , if the society had left behind written records or art ifacts , these could potentially still be found and studied by future generations . However , it is important to note that the likelihood of finding evidence of an advanced society from such a long time ago is highly spec ulative and would require significant research and exploration . </s>

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