ID: 694

If a job application asks for standardized test scores and cumulative GPA, can I just put N/A or will it hurt my candidacy?

Aligned LLM's Response:

It is generally not recommended to put " N / A " on a job application for standard ized test scores or cum ulative G PA . While it is understand able that you may not have taken these tests or have not calculated your G PA , employers often use these metrics to evaluate candidates and make hiring decisions . \n \n Inst ead , it is best to be honest and transparent about your lack of experience or information in these areas . You can explain that you have not taken the tests or calculated your G PA , but you are willing to take them if necessary . You can also highlight any other relevant skills or experiences that you have that may make you a strong candidate for the job . \n \n It is important to remember that honest y and trans parency are always the best policies when it comes to job applications . Em ploy ers appreciate candidates who are up front about their qual ifications and limitations , and they are more likely to consider you for the job if they feel confident in your ability to meet their requirements . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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