ID: 711

Our 16yo kitty went missing and we found her under our house..two weeks later. We’re devastated. The odor alerted us to rip out the deck in search for closure. I’d like to retrieve her body and hope my vet could still cremate her. Is that something they would even do and how can we prepare her body?

Aligned LLM's Response:

I ' m sorry to hear about the loss of your k itty . I understand how devast ating it can be to lose a beloved pet . \n \n Reg arding your question , it is possible for a vet to cre mate your k itty ' s body . However , it is important to note that cre m ation is not a common practice for pets , and not all v ets may offer this service . It is best to contact your local veter inary clinic and in quire about their policies regarding cre m ation . \n \n If your vet does offer cre m ation services , they will likely provide instructions on how to prepare your k itty ' s body for cre m ation . This may include removing any clothing or accessories , washing the body gently with soap and water , and allowing it to dry completely . It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that the cre m ation process is as respect ful and peaceful as possible for your k itty . \n \n I hope this information is helpful . Please don ' t hes itate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns . </s>

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