ID: 76

Hi, I'd like to play ice hockey. Can you explain how the game works?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! Ice hockey is a fast - p aced sport played on ice , where two teams of six players each try to score goals by shooting a small rubber p uck into the oppos ing team ' s net using hockey sticks . The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins . \n \n The game is divided into three periods of 2 0 minutes each , with a 1 5 - minute inter mission in between . At the start of each period , the teams line up at their respective blue lines , which are located at opposite ends of the ice . The p uck is dropped at the center of the ice , and the teams race to gain possession of it . \n \n Play ers can use their sticks to hit the p uck , pass it to team mates , or shoot it at the goal . Body contact between players is allowed , but only within certain rules to ensure player safety . For example , players cannot use their sticks to hit opponents in the head or neck , and they cannot trip or hold onto opponents to prevent them from moving . \n \n When a team los es possession of the p uck , the other team gains possession and tries to score a goal . If the p uck goes into the oppos ing team ' s net , the team with the goal is awarded a point . If the p uck hits the goal posts or cross bar but does not go into the net , the team with possession of the p uck reg ains possession . \n \n I hope that helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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