ID: 760

Develop a Python program that reads all the text files under a directory and reprompt top-5 words with the most number of occurrences.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I can help you with that . Here ' s a Python program that reads all the text files under a directory and returns the top - 5 words with the most number of occur ren ces : \n `` ` python \n import os \n from collections import Coun ter \n def get _ top _ words ( directory ): \n word _ count s = Coun ter () \n for filename in os . list dir ( directory ): \n if filename . end sw ith (". txt "): \n with open ( os . path . join ( directory , filename ), " r ") as f : \n text = f . read (). lower () \n words = text . split () \n for word in words : \n word _ count s [ word ] += 1 \n return word _ count s . most _ common ( 5 ) \n `` ` \n To use this program , simply call the ` get _ top _ words ` function with the directory containing the text files as the argument : \n `` ` python \n top _ words = get _ top _ words ("/ path / to / directory ") \n for i , ( word , count ) in en umerate ( top _ words , start = 1 ): \n print ( f " { i }. { word }: { count }") \n `` ` \n This will print out the top - 5 words with the most number of occur ren ces , along with their counts . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
