ID: 762

Write a simple website in HTML. When a user clicks the button, it shows a random joke from a list of 4 jokes.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I can help you with that ! Here ' s a simple HTML website that displays a random joke from a list of 4 jokes when the user cl icks a button : \n `` ` html \n <</a> ! DO CT YPE html \n <</a> html \n <</a> head \n <</a> title Random J oke Gener ator title \n <</a> script \n function generate J oke () { \n var jokes = [ \n " Why did the tom ato turn red ? Because it saw the salad dressing ! ", \n " Why did the chicken cross the road ? To get to the other side ! ", \n " Why did the sc are c row win an award ? Because he was outstanding in his field ! ", \n " Why did the cookie go to the doctor ? Because it was feeling cr umb ly !" \n ]; \n var random J oke = jokes [ Math . floor ( Math . random () * jokes . length ) ]; \n document . getElementById (" j oke "). innerHTML = random J oke ; \n } \n script \n head \n <</a> body \n <</a> h 1 Random J oke Gener ator h 1 \n <</a> button onclick =" generate J oke () "> Generate J oke button \n <</a> p id =" j oke "> p \n body \n html \n `` ` \n When the user cl icks the " Generate J oke " button , the ` generate J oke () ` function is called . This function select s a random joke from the ` j okes ` array using the ` Math . random () ` method and assign s it to the ` random J oke ` variable . It then sets the inner HTML of the ` j oke ` paragraph element to the random joke using the ` document . getElementById () ` method . \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any questions . </s>

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