ID: 765

Implement a function to find the median of two sorted arrays of different sizes with O(1) space complexity and O(n) time complexity.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' ll do my best to assist you with care , respect , and truth . To find the median of two sorted arrays of different sizes with O ( 1 ) space complexity and O ( n ) time complexity , we can use the following algorithm : \n 1 . Sort the two arrays in non - de cre asing order . \n 2 . If the two arrays have the same size , return the median of the sorted array . \n 3 . If the two arrays have different sizes , let the smaller array be of size n and the larger array be of size m . \n 4 . Initialize two po inters , i and j , where i points to the first element of the smaller array and j points to the first element of the larger array . \n 5 . While i <</a> n and j <</a> m , compare the elements at index i and j . \n 6 . If the element at index i is smaller than the element at index j , increment i . \n 7 . Otherwise , increment j . \n 8 . If i <</a> n , return the element at index i . \n 9 . If j <</a> m , return the element at index j . \n 1 0 . If both i and j are equal to n , return the element at index i . \n 1 1 . If both i and j are equal to m , return the element at index j . \n This algorithm has a time complexity of O ( n + m ) and a space complexity of O ( 1 ). </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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