ID: 775

Please read the paragraph below and count how many times the words "Amazon", "river", and "you" appear. Please present the results in the format of "word, number of appearances" with each word on a separate line. Sort the lines in order of the number of appearances. The Amazon, a mesmerizing expanse of nature's wonders, is home to the legendary Amazon River. Flowing through awe-inspiring landscapes like the Amazon rainforest, the river weaves its way through Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, giving life to countless creatures. From the mighty jaguars prowling the Amazon jungle to the vibrant macaws soaring above the canopy, this remarkable region teems with biodiversity. Deep within the river's currents, magnificent pink river dolphins gracefully glide alongside piranhas and electric eels. Along the riverbanks, you'll find bustling cities like Manaus, where the urban meets the wild, and Iquitos, a gateway to the heart of the Amazon rainforest. As you venture further, the Amazon River reveals hidden gems like the captivating Anavilhanas Archipelago, a mosaic of islands brimming with rare species. Embark on an adventure, explore the enchanting Amazon River, and immerse yourself in a world teeming with life and untamed beauty.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Amazon , 1 \n river , 1 \n you , 1 </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
