ID: 793

Create a lesson plan that integrates drama, mime or theater techniques into a history class. Duration: 3 class periods (each lasts for 45 minutes) for 3 days Topic: Opium Wars between China and Britain Grade level: 9-10

Aligned LLM's Response:

Less on Plan : O pi um Wars between China and Britain \n \n Gr ade Level : 9 - 1 0 \n \n Duration : 3 class periods ( each last s for 4 5 minutes ) for 3 days \n \n Object ive : \n \n * Students will be able to understand the causes and effects of the O pi um Wars between China and Britain . \n * Students will be able to use drama , m ime , or theater techniques to present their understanding of the O pi um Wars . \n \n Material s : \n \n * White board and mark ers \n * Hand outs on the O pi um Wars \n * Pro ps for a theater performance ( e . g . cost umes , masks , etc .) \n \n Day 1 : \n \n Introduction ( 1 0 minutes ): \n \n * Begin by asking students what they know about the O pi um Wars . \n * Write their responses on the white board . \n * Expl ain that the O pi um Wars were a series of conflicts between China and Britain that took place in the 1 9 th century . \n \n Direct Inst ruction ( 2 0 minutes ): \n \n * Dist ribute the hand outs on the O pi um Wars . \n * Review the causes and effects of the wars , including the British East India Company ' s mon opol y on the op ium trade , China ' s efforts to stop the trade , and the resulting military conflicts . \n \n Gu ided Practice ( 1 5 minutes ): \n \n * Div ide students into small groups . \n * Ass ign each group a specific cause or effect of the O pi um Wars . \n * Have each group create a short sk it or scene that demonstr ates their assigned cause or effect . \n \n Day 2 : \n \n Introduction ( 1 0 minutes ): \n \n * Review the causes and effects of the O pi um Wars from the previous day . \n * Expl ain that today , students will be using drama , m ime , or theater techniques to present their understanding of the O pi um Wars . \n \n Direct Inst ruction ( 2 0 minutes ): \n \n * Review the different drama , m ime , or theater techniques that students can use to present their understanding of the O pi um Wars . \n * Prov ide examples of how these techniques can be used to convey different aspects of the wars , such as the British East India Company ' s mon opol y on the op ium trade or China ' s efforts to stop the trade . \n \n Gu ided Practice ( 1 5 minutes ): \n \n * Have students practice using the different drama , m ime , or theater techniques to present their understanding of the O pi um Wars . \n * Cir culate around the room and provide feedback and guidance as needed . \n \n Day 3 : \n \n Introduction ( 1 0 minutes ): \n \n * Review the causes and effects of the O pi um Wars from the previous days . \n * Expl ain that today , students will be putting together a theater performance that integr ates their understanding of the O pi um Wars with the techniques they learned in the previous days . \n \n Direct Inst ruction ( 2 0 minutes ): \n \n * Review the different elements of a theater performance , such as character development , plot , and setting . \n * Prov ide examples of how these elements can be used to convey the causes and effects of the O pi um Wars . \n \n Gu ided Practice ( 3 0 minutes ): \n \n * Have students work in groups to create together a theater performance that integr ates their understanding of the O pi um Wars with the techniques they learned in the previous days . \n * Prov ide props and cost umes for the performance . \n * Have each group rehe arse their performance and provide feedback to one another . \n \n Cl os ure ( 1 0 minutes ): \n \n * Have each group perform their theater performance for the class . \n * After each performance , have the class discuss what they learned about the O pi um Wars and how the performance convey ed that information . </s>

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