ID: 8

What are different drawers I should have for clothes?

Aligned LLM's Response:

It ' s important to have a variety of draw ers for different types of clothes to keep your ward robe organized and easily accessible . Here are some suggestions for different draw ers you may want to consider : \n \n 1 . T ops drawer : This drawer could include sh irts , bl ouses , tanks , and other upper body gar ments . \n 2 . B ottom s drawer : This drawer could include pants , sk irts , shorts , and other lower body gar ments . \n 3 . Out er wear drawer : This drawer could include jack ets , sweat ers , card ig ans , and other outer wear pieces . \n 4 . Active wear drawer : This drawer could include workout clothes , such as le gg ings , sports bras , and tank tops . \n 5 . Under gar ments drawer : This drawer could include bras , pant ies , socks , and other under gar ments . \n 6 . Access ories drawer : This drawer could include bel ts , scar ves , h ats , and other accessories . \n 7 . Season al drawer : This drawer could include clothes specific to certain seasons , such as winter co ats , summer dress es , and fall sweat ers . \n \n It ' s also a good idea to have a drawer for formal wear , casual wear , and work clothes , as well as a drawer for any clothes that need to be m ended or cleaned . </s>

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