ID: 86

What are some herbs I can dry out?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are many her bs that can be dried out for use in cooking , medicine , or as a natural rem edy . Here are some common ones : \n \n 1 . Bas il \n 2 . Rose mary \n 3 . Th yme \n 4 . O re gan o \n 5 . Pars ley \n 6 . C il ant ro \n 7 . M int \n 8 . Lav ender \n 9 . Ch am om ile \n 1 0 . E ch in ace a \n \n It ' s important to note that some her bs may lose their pot ency or flavor when dried , so it ' s always a good idea to test them out before using them in a recipe or for medic inal purposes . Additionally , it ' s important to properly dry and store her bs to ensure their quality and fresh ness . </s>

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