ID: 89

I'm trying to draw out a hopscotch game on my driveway. Can you walk me through how to do that?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! Draw ing out a hop sc ot ch game on your drive way can be a fun and engaging activity for people of all ages . Here are the steps you can follow to create your own hop sc ot ch game : \n \n 1 . G ather your materials : You will need ch alk or ch alk paint , a rul er , and a piece of paper or card board to create the hop sc ot ch board . \n 2 . Dec ide on the size of your hop sc ot ch board : A standard hop sc ot ch board is typically 8 squ ares wide and 1 0 squ ares long . You can adjust the size to fit your drive way or space . \n 3 . Me asure and mark the squ ares : Using your rul er , measure and mark the squ ares on your hop sc ot ch board . Make sure the squ ares are even ly sp aced and that the board is level . \n 4 . Draw the hop sc ot ch lines : Using your ch alk or ch alk paint , draw the hop sc ot ch lines between the squ ares . Make sure the lines are straight and that they connect each square . \n 5 . Add the start and end points : Draw a circle at one end of the hop sc ot ch board to represent the start point , and a circle at the other end to represent the end point . \n 6 . Play the game : Hop sc ot ch is a simple game to play . Players take turns hop ping from one square to the next , skip ping over the square with a marker in it . The first player to complete the hop sc ot ch board and return to the start point wins . \n \n I hope this helps you create a fun hop sc ot ch game on your drive way ! </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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