ID: 118

Is online casino legal in India?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Online cas inos are not explicitly legal in India , as the country has not yet reg ulated online g amb ling . However , there is no explicit ban on online g amb ling , and many Indians eng age in online g amb ling activities through off sh ore websites . \n \n The Public G amb ling Act of 1 8 6 7 and the Information Technology Act of 2 0 0 0 are the primary laws that govern g amb ling in India . The Public G amb ling Act prohib its running or being in charge of a public g aming house , while the Information Technology Act prohib its the operation of a public g amb ling site . \n \n However , the laws are not clearly defined , and there is a lack of enfor cement , which has led to the pro l ifer ation of online g amb ling in India . Many Indians use off sh ore online cas inos that operate in juris dict ions where online g amb ling is legal , such as in some countries in the Car ib bean and Europe . \n \n It is important to note that online g amb ling can be ris ky , and individuals should be aware of the potential legal and financial consequences of particip ating in online g amb ling activities . It is recommended that individuals seek legal advice before eng aging in any online g amb ling activities . </s>

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