ID: 125

What if people only valued and took pride in the things that were true about themselves?

Aligned LLM's Response:

If people only val ued and took pride in the things that were true about themselves , it would likely lead to a more honest and authentic society . People would be more likely to recognize and acknow ledge their strength s and weak ness es , and would be less likely to eng age in self - de ception or ex agger ation . This could result in more real istic self - evalu ations and more accurate assess ments of others . Additionally , it may also lead to more hum ility , em path y and more self - im prov ement . \n However , it ' s important to note that , people are complex and we are all capable of both good and bad actions , and we should be able to acknow ledge that about ourselves and others . </s>

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