ID: 130

when are hops added to the brewing process?

Aligned LLM's Response:

H ops are typically added during the bre wing process to provide bit tern ess , a rom a , and flav or to the be er . They are added at different stages of the bre wing process depending on the type of be er being made . \n \n For example , in the case of lag ers , h ops are typically added after the fer ment ation process has started , but before the be er is pack aged . This is called " d ry ho pping " and is used to add a rom a and flav or to the be er without adding bit tern ess . \n \n In the case of al es , h ops are typically added during the " bo iling stage " of the bre wing process . This is called " add ition ho pping " and is used to add bit tern ess and flav or to the be er . Some h ops are also added after the bo iling stage , this is called " d ry ho pping " and is used to add a rom a and flav or to the be er . \n \n It ' s worth not ing that some h ops are added after the bre wing process is finished , this is called " aging h ops " and is used to add flav or and a rom a to the be er over time . </s>

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