ID: 161

Please summarise in point form "Challenges for African Agriculture" by Jean-Claude Devèze

Aligned LLM's Response:

* African agricult ure faces numerous challeng es , including low product ivity , in ade qu ate infrastr ucture , limited access to mark ets , and in ade qu ate access to fin ance . \n * Cl imate change is also a significant challenge , with changing ra inf all patterns and increased frequency of dr ought s and flo ods . \n * P over ty and inequality are per vas ive in African agricult ure , with small holder far mers and women dis pro port ion ately affected . \n * In ade qu ate access to technology and innov ation also h ind ers the development of African agricult ure . \n * Political inst ability and conflict ex ac erb ate the challeng es faced by African agricult ure . \n * The lack of a functional market system also h ind ers the development of African agricult ure . \n * The lack of infrastr ucture , such as roads , ir rig ation , and storage facilities , also limits the product ivity and profit ability of African agricult ure . \n * Limited access to fin ance and credit also h ind ers the development of African agricult ure . \n * The lack of a sk illed work force and limited access to education and training also h ind ers the development of African agricult ure . \n * The lack of a functional regul atory and policy framework also h ind ers the development of African agricult ure . </s>

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