ID: 187

take the phone conversation in the movie Taken that Bryan Mills has with his daughters captors, and rewrite it in old english

Aligned LLM's Response:

" G reet ings , good sir s . I am Bry an M ills , a man of some means and a father of two fair ma id ens . I find myself in a most un fortun ate pred ic ament , for my daughters have been taken from me by th ieves who seek to extract a r ans om for their safe return . I must say , I am not over ly fond of the idea of pay ing such a sum , for it goes against my very nature to be so easily s way ed by the dem ands of others . But al as , I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the safety and well - be ing of my daughters . So tell me , what is it that you desire ? A sum of gold ? A tre asure beyond measure ? Or perhaps something else entirely ? Wh atever it may be , know that I am a man of great strength and determ ination , and I will not rest until my daughters are returned to me un har med ." </s>

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