ID: 201

What are the five most common causes of stress among people?

Aligned LLM's Response:

The five most common causes of stress among people are : \n \n 1 . Work or job - related stress : This can include long hours , heavy work load , tight dead lines , job in security , and work - related conflicts . \n 2 . Fin an cial stress : Fin an cial problems such as deb t , b ills , and financial in security can cause significant stress . \n 3 . Rel ations hip stress : Conf lic ts with family members , friends , or rom antic partners can cause stress . \n 4 . Health - related stress : Ill ness , chron ic pain , and medical conditions can cause stress and anx iety . \n 5 . Life changes and trans itions : Major life changes such as moving , getting married , having a child , or ret iring can cause stress . </s>

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