ID: 226

What are some words to express love and affection in Tolkien's Quenya?

Aligned LLM's Response:

In J . R . R . Tol k ien ' s Qu en ya , there are several words that can be used to express love and affection . Here are some examples : \n \n 1 . Am or : This word means " lo ve " and is used to express rom antic love between partners . \n 2 . T ath ar iel : This word means " no ble lady " and is used to address a loved one with respect and adm iration . \n 3 . E ld amar iel : This word means " star - ma iden " and is used to express love and adm iration for a beautiful woman . \n 4 . N essa : This word means " m other " and is used to express love and affection towards one ' s mother . \n 5 . An or iel : This word means " sun - ma iden " and is used to express love and adm iration for a woman with fair skin and bright hair . \n 6 . V anya : This word means " l ady " and is used to address a loved one with respect and affection . \n 7 . E ld amar : This word means " star - real m " and is used to express love and long ing for a distant or ideal ized place or person . \n \n Th ese are just a few examples of the many words in Qu en ya that can be used to express love and affection . </s>

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