ID: 246

What's the furthest back we can prove human existence? Is there good reason to believe it goes further then this point?

Aligned LLM's Response:

The fur th est back we can prove human existence is through foss il records and gen etic evidence . The oldest known foss ils of our species , H omo s api ens , are estimated to be around 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 years old . However , it is believed that our species has been around for much longer than that . \n \n There is evidence to suggest that our ancest ors were present in Africa as far back as 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 years ago . Additionally , gen etic studies have shown that all living humans share a common ancest or who lived in Africa around 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 years ago . \n \n Wh ile we cannot prove the existence of our ancest ors beyond this point , it is believed that they were capable of surv iving and th riv ing in a variety of environments . Some scient ists believe that our ancest ors may have been present in Africa even a million years ago . \n \n Over all , while we cannot prove human existence beyond a certain point , there is strong evidence to suggest that our species has been around for much longer than we currently know . </s>

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